


Sign Up For Our FREE Neuroapthy Relief Webinar Below

 Learn more about nerve regeneration in 1 hour, than you have in your entire lifetime

At our clinic, we offer comprehensive, non-surgical treatments that promote the body’s natural healing process in dealing with neuropathy. Our method aids in the restoration and maintenance of health by combining the power of the adjustment with an all-natural approach to functional wellness.

An estimated 30 million people in the United States suffer from the numbness, tingling, pins and needles, pain and weakness caused by neuropathy.  These neuropathy symptoms can be felt in the toes, feet, legs, hands and arms. Some say that the symptoms come and go, while others say it’s severe and debilitating. The important aspect is that if diagnosed early, neuropathy can be controlled!

Even though it seems like a “new” condition, peripheral neuropathy has been around for years, but just hadn’t been properly diagnosed until recently. It is commonly misdiagnosed as just a side effect of other diseases like diabetes, cancer and kidney failure. Unfortunately, the development of treatments for neuropathy has been slow going.

Current medical treatments focus almost entirely on masking the symptoms of neuropathy to make the pain and discomfort more bearable. At our clinic we take a slightly different approach.

Sign Up For Our FREE Neuroapthy Relief Seminar Below

 Learn more about nerve regeneration in 1 hour, than you have in your entire lifetime

Addressing The Cause

At our clinic, we focus on improving circulation and the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. As with all our proprietary systems, we approach the problem on many levels. In combination, our comprehensive, multi-step treatment has been achieving very positive results.

Neuropathy is typically caused by three main factors:

Disease – Neuropathy is common in the diabetics because high blood sugar levels damage the walls of the blood vessels that feed the nerves in the hands and the feet. It is estimated that 60-70% of all reported cases of neuropathy are diabetes-related. Other diseases that contribute include chronic kidney disease, infections such as HIV, Lyme disease and more.

Injury – Surgeries, car accidents, falls and other physical injuries can put significant pressure on the nerves, harming them and leading to neuropathic pain.

Toxicity – Certain drugs, such as chemotherapy drugs and statins can result in damaging the peripheral nerves.

At Your Webinar
You Will Learn About:

  • The Nobel Prize winning discovery that has led to patients seeing an average of an 87% reduction in pain symptoms
  • How peripheral neuropathy is diagnosed and when it can be treated
  • The causes of peripheral neuropathy and the key to healing and prevention
  • ​An easy and simple home therapy used by some of the largest hospitals in the U.S. to treat certain types of peripheral neuropathy
  • ​ 3 easy changes to your diet to help prevent the development of peripheral neuropathy
  • Advanced diagnostic testing for determination if your condition is treatable
  • ​A NASA developed technology that helps reduce painful neuropathy symptoms

What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?

Neuropathy can be caused by many things, but more than 30 percent of those diagnosed with it are told it is from an unknown cause. 
Diabetes causes another 30 percent of cases. The remainder of cases are caused by autoimmune disorders, toxins, infections, tumors, heredity or imbalances of nutrition.

Neuropathy affects the nerves throughout the body, which control sensations like cold or pain, as well as the internal organs like the heart, bladder, intestines and more! It usually gives off a pain described as burning or tingling in the hands and feet.

Our program is designed to help you get back to doing the things you love

Here at Hill Country Clinic of Chiropractic, our program is treating hundreds of patients with neuropathy. We have an innovative and systematic approach to treatment, which gets you back to a healthy, happy life. If other treatments haven’t worked for you, if medications aren’t working, if physical therapy isn’t enough, there are other options! It’s possible you are a good fit for our program! The techniques we use address the neurological, metabolic, and nutritional factors of neuropathy.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

  • Numbness in the extremities
  • Electrical, "crawling" pain
  • ​Restless legs
  • ​Pins and needles
  • ​Fatigue in the legs or feet
  • ​Tingling or burning
  • ​Cold hands or feet
  • ​Shooting pains

Common Causes Leading to Peripheral Neuropathy

  • History of Back or Neck Problems
  • Sugar Imbalance or Diabetes
  • ​Cholesterol lowering medications
  • ​Chemotherapy
  • ​Autoimmune Diseases

Sign Up For Our FREE Neuroapthy Relief Webinar Below

 Learn more about nerve regeneration in 1 hour, than you have in your entire lifetime

Nueva Health System PLLC
9121 Adams Ln Ste 120
Temple, Tx 76502

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*Results may vary from person to person
*X-Rays performed if necessary